Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The day after international women's day

Today, March 10 of 2020, the day after international women's day there was an attack on a mother and her daughter in broad daylight by a man. This was in my route to school, it was public, right by the bus stop I walk by every day. The public intervened and the man is in custody. I ran this morning with a friend 2 miles out and back, there was a man on a motor cycle who did a U-turn right by us as we were running on the sidewalk, he was only turning to wait for someone at the house we were running by.

I cannot tell you how enraged I am that these things are happening and becoming more popular. Especially since the attacks are only on women and children and are becoming more frequent.

Today was the first day on my walk home that I thought what do I currently have in my backpack that I could use as a weapon if I needed to? The answer, my half full glass water bottle, and my two epi pens. I decided that the water bottle would do, filled it up all the way so it carried the most weight if I were to need to use it and carried it in my dominant hand the entire 20 minute walk home, observing every car that went by to make sure it wasn't one that doubled back and not just 'glancing' behind my back but full on turning around to be completely aware of my surroundings.


Men, please help your female friends during these times, always and forever, the world is completely different from our point of view.

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